Girls Taking Action, the acclaimed Minnesota-based nonprofit that transforms the lives of underserved girls, is expanding its reach to inspire girls across the world to become leaders.
Founded by Dr Verna Price in 2005 in one Minneapolis high school, Girls Taking Action provides after school programming for junior and senior high girls. The program has grown to serve 350 girls at 16 schools in the Twin Cities metro and St Cloud.
Far more girls are participating in Girls Taking Action in Africa and Central America. Chapters utilizing the curriculum developed by Dr Price have sprung up in Guatemala, Ghana, Kenya, and Liberia, with new chapters now being established in Ethiopia and Costa Rica.
“I have a global vision. This work is for girls and women around the world. We are interconnected,” Dr Verna said.
On March 23rd, Dr Verna will sponsor the first Girls Taking Action international global leadership conference to connect the young participants and their leaders virtually. She will host the event from the Literacy Center at 627 W. Broadway in Minneapolis.
“We will pull girls and women elders from seven countries,” said Dr Verna. “Our goal is for them to understand their personal power in a global context.”
The Girls Taking Action international leadership conference will tap the expertise of the women leaders involved in chapters across the globe.
“I want to expose our girls to established, professional women around the world who are doing amazing things. They will hear, see and interact with extraordinary leaders who are where they want to go,” she said.
An author, speaker and host of Dr Verna’s Virtues on the podcasting platform, Dr Price is co-founder (with her husband Brother Shane Price) of the Power of People Leadership Institute in Minneapolis.
The Institute also provides programming to young males through its Boys of Hope chapters. Its Re-Planting program empowers and prepares men exiting the criminal justice system to find success in careers and community.
Girls Taking Action is in a major growth phase, adding new members in several African countries where chapters are thriving; as many as 90 chapters are expected to be integrated into schools within the next year.
“I know many of our girls have experienced hardship. We say, you can’t use that as an excuse to not try and try again,” Dr Verna said.
“The magnet of this curriculum is teaching that everyone is born with power, enough power to create change wherever they are. My message is, don’t wait to start leading; lead where you are.”